Stopped by the Police!

On our way to Kisumu, we were stopped by Officer Murrey. While he was asking our driver for a bribe, God spoke to Bro Daniel Davis to pray for him. Upon getting out of the van and praying for officer Murrey, God touched this man and he allowed us to drive away. After pulling us over a few other times, Bro Daniel got his number and has been teaching him a Bible study. There is NOTHING that God can not do. 


Meet John Truth, he was born to the father Bishop Dominic Maikuri. He attended our Truth Conference in Kisumu and received Truth. Upon doing so, he wanted to honor what God gave to him by naming his new born son, 3 days later. .

Receiving her Deliverance!

The word of God was preached and as the people begin to repent, This young lady begin screaming and she needed deliverance. After her deliverance came, she received the baptism of the Holy Ghost!

Praying others Through!

Yes, this is the same young lady that received the Holy Ghost after being delivered! She then turned around and prayed for 2 other people who received the SAME Holy Ghost that she did. Praise God !!

Being washed by the Blood!

Upon receiving deliverance, praying 2 other people through to the Holy Ghost, this young lady wanted the NAME of Jesus applied in her life by being baptized in that wonderful name of Jesus Christ! This is what God is doing with the Truth Conference Team!