Help with a
Truth Conference

When you give, here is what you are supporting. You are covering the cost of a Truth Conference in an area that needs Truth to be reviled. We give copies of our lessons that we teach to the pastors so they can take it back and teach their churches and teach their saints. If other materials are needed, this will also help cover those. 

A few other needs that needs to be currently met are computers for the Bible school in Nairobi Kenya. A conference center for all the churches to gather on certain events. And a well, so that once they come together, they have clean water to drink. 

Click here and give with your credit card with a secure website. 

Venmo is a great way to give from your bank account using your phone. 


Cash app is a great way to give from your bank account using your phone.


You may support us monthly!

Support us with a monthly PIMs through the UPCI. Our Missions account is 151463
Click on the global missions logo to take you to the support page.